Davenport Machine, Inc. Launches Technical Services Group

Davenport Machine, Inc., a Brinkman International Group company, announced the formation of its new Technical Services Group, a division tasked with supporting the needs of customers gaining new business in the recent economic recovery and growth in the manufacturing sector.

The Technical Services Group will draw on the company’s extensive knowledge base and legacy archives of engineering solutions to help customers increase productivity without the need to immediately increase staff and expense overhead.

“With the business upturn our industry is now experiencing, many customers are finding that they are short-handed,” said James McGaffin, Manager, Sales and Marketing for Davenport Machine, Inc. “Our customers are finding that even though it’s too soon to bring in new engineers, they still have an increased workload that needs to be handled. That’s where our new Technical Services Group comes into play, fitting in nicely for the growth transition.”

Davenport maintains a blueprint and data archive of over fifty years of attachment and part designs for the company’s celebrated machinery, a popular staple of the screw machine industry. With such an extensive wealth of solutions on hand, Davenport can save customers the time and expense of “re-inventing the wheel” by creating and implementing designs for which solutions already exist.

In addition, the expertise of Davenport engineers can dramatically reduce the time and cost investment needed for new designs, giving customers a cost-effective, top-quality competitive edge to combat overseas competitors.

The Davenport Technical Services Group will provide:

  • Time estimates, at no cost to customers
  • Part layouts
  • Tooling designs
  • Training at customer sites for set up, machine operation, and maintenance (programs which are also available at Davenport’s Rochester, NY training facility)

“The Technical Services Group is an optimum solution for our customers’ business-development requirements. Using the years of experience available to us, Davenport can cost effectively assist in the technical support required for any part capable of being produced on a Davenport,” McGaffin said. “As manufacturers experience new growth, we can ally with them in the transition periods between landing new business and bringing on additional, full-time engineering staff.”

Contact Davenport today for information about training sessions, resources and more.

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